Recommend a Property for Potential CBFF Involvement

Central Baltimore Future Fund is seeking information about properties for possible acquisition and their commercial redevelopment, delivering community-supported, game-changing outcomes in Central Baltimore.

Although only the address is required, please provide as much information as you can on the proposed property, and any proposed project if applicable, to help us understand what you have in mind.

When evaluating projects, CBFF considers the following factors to be important:

  • That the property is within Abell, Barclay, Charles North, Charles Village, Greenmount West, Harwood, Oakenshawe, Old Goucher, Remington, Wyman Park, or the Waverly Main Street District

  • That the property is a blighted and/or nuisance property whose redevelopment has been substantially obstructed

  • That the property’s redevelopment would be consistent with neighborhood plans and have community and City support

  • That a project incorporates opportunities for M/W/S business enterprise and local employment in the capital development process and/or thereafter

  • That the property’s redevelopment would contribute to neighborhood revitalization, such as the retention and attraction of residents, businesses, or retail establishments